
Experience a More Human Way
of Hiring with Recruiting AI

Some tasks just require a human touch. Queue SmartAssistant — the industry’s first AI-powered recruiting service that empowers recruiters and lends efficiency to some of the most time-consuming and repetitive hiring tasks. With SmartAssistant, hiring teams gain back hours in their day, enabling them to spend more time where it matters most — actually connecting with candidates.

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A Trusted Partner for 4,000+ Businesses Around The World

Smarter Screening

Improve the selection process with AI recruiting technology that minimizes bias and subjectivity during candidate screening. Get intelligent candidate recommendations on-demand for superior recruiting decisions.

  • Screens applicants instantaneously and extracts powerful insights
  • Conducts in-depth candidate analysis backed by data science
  • Prioritizes and organizes the screening process with scored matches
AI recruitment tools

Discover at Scale

Enhance your sourcing efforts and extend candidate reach without blowing the recruiting budget. Locate and discover the best candidates wherever they are — whether sitting somewhere in your organization or beyond.

  • Identifies top candidate matches across internal and external databases
  • Recommends additional roles to hiring teams for where incoming applicants fit
  • Learns immediately from user feedback, surfacing better recommendations over time
AI recruiting technology

Engage Effortlessly

Improve engagement by optimizing parts of the candidate experience with opt-in automated job alerts and job recommendations, making it easier for hiring teams to stay connected and up-to-date with talent matches.

  • Keeps talent pools engaged and in-the-know on future opportunities
  • Shares other relevant positions in your company with applicants
  • Enables the candidate experience to continue past the point of rejection
Artificial Intelligence in recruiting
See SmartRecruiters In Action

The SmartRecruiters hiring platform is designed to help every company recruit top talent. It has all the tools you will need to attract, select, and hire the right people at the right time.

Thank you for your interest in the SmartRecruiters platform. Although many agencies find our software beneficial, it isn't what we do best. If you are hungry to try out our technology and are hiring for < 10 roles at any given time, feel free to try SmartStart today! SmartStart is a FREE version of SmartRecruiters and is designed specifically for teams and small organizations.

If you are already a SmartStart user and wish to upgrade, please navigate here.
Are you a job seeker? If so, a demo isn't best for you. This form is designed for companies looking for a SaaS platform to help support their talent acquisition needs.
We do, however, offer some resources for job seekers like yourself.

Get more information here.
Thank you for your interest in SmartRecruiters. For organizations of your size, we recommend our free version of the platform called SmartStart. This version was built for teams and smaller organizations that typically have fewer than 10 jobs posted at a given time. After you try it out, you can always upgrade at a later point should you find that you need more functionality.
Hiring Without Boundaries

Ready to hire the best?

You’ve seen how other companies use SmartRecruiters.
Now it’s your turn.

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